Earth Milk
EarthMilk aims to design away from a culture of environmental disconnection, and design towards a future of awareness and responsibility for our raw resource consumption. EarthMilk is situated in the context of a world where we recognize the reality of environmental limitation, and design the de-growth of water consumption. Through symbolic and ritualistic actions, Earthmilk helps to plan water use, establish value, and express the energy expended to transport the water from source to human.
This project was instigated by the notion that the most essential things we consume in life are also the things we are least engaged with; natural resources. Our passivity towards consuming resources, such as water, is reinforced by the culture that is bred by current products and systems which promote seemingly limitless and instantaneous consumption of information, resources, and data. Often, the true complexity of a product’s functionality is also hidden, creating a disconnect between function, and form. Ultimately, this culture has effectively pulled us farther and farther from the raw resources that sustain the lifestyles that we enjoy today, to a point where we are often unaware of the impact that our actions have on the environment.